Wednesday, April 13, 2011

To Nick, the love of my life

Nicholas Peter Anderson is the number one person in my life....why? He could possibly be the BEST dad, BEST husband, and #1 supporter of me and all my good and bad decisions in life.

I remember the first time I ever met Nick....we were both at Woodys Bar in South Fargo. My friend introduced me to him and of course I thought he was super cute. He was dating someone at the time so I didn't think anything of it. We ended up sitting by each other that night and never spoke one word.....its funny now that I think back :)

A few months later I ran into him at the softball fields in Moorhead. I was walking in with my pugs, Jabba and Vader...and as most of you know they were not (and Jabba is still not) the best trained dogs you have ever met :) They ended up getting out of their harnesses and running onto the fields...needless to say I caused a bit of a scene when I came in and Nick saw me. He came running over and said "Hey Majkrzak!" I was thinking to myself....that is what buddys a buddy you punch in the arm and say "Hey big guy!" We talked for a bit and told me to come back to watch him later. I ended up watching his game and he invited me out to the VFW afterwards with his team. When I showed up a guy on Nicks team yelled "Nick's wife is here" and that was the first day of the rest of our lives....

Nick love our kids with all his heart. He loves me for who I am.....imperfections (A LOT :) potty mouth, Macys shopping addict, oversensitive self. He asks for next to nothing, he is happy to give me a much needed "mental break" from the kids. He texts me out of the blue and tells me how much he loves me....pretty good guy huh? Way to go Pete and Mary and Margo and Virgy for raising such a great guy! I truly do feel like the luckiest girl in the world 99.9% of the time :) Just kidding Nick......

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