Saturday, April 16, 2011

Best Friends

I was just thinking how important it is to have a "best friend" when your little. I can remember my best friend when I was younger and we did EVERYTHING together! Presley is SO lucky to have Taylor in her life. Not only is Taylor (TT for short :) her best friend, but she is also her cousin! There is always someone who "gets your humor" or laughs at your bad jokes. Presley and Taylor can sit and laugh for hours about nothing. The beauty of their friendship is that there is no judgment, no rules, just too besties hanging out. Taylor and Presley could not be more polar opposites, Taylor is a perfectionist and most of all the "girliest princess" that I know :) Presley skips the details to everything and is more tom boy :) Its very cool to see these two develop such a strong relationship. I know their bond will last forever! I LOVE my TT girl :)

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