Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Perfect Parker

I remember the day the kids were born like it was yesterday. Nick and I were pretty much in denial/shock that our children were actually being born that day. Lisa was such a trooper and SO incredibly strong. I remember thinking to myself how very lucky we were that she gave up so much in her life to give us our children. I remember getting gowned up and walking in the the operating room where Lisa was along with Troy and a fleet of doctors and nurses. We were literally standing there for less than a minute when Presley came out screaming bloody murder (thats my girl :) and a few seconds later Parker was out and quiet as a mouse.

They put both of them on warming beds and were immediately surrounded by nurses. I remember them being really rough with the kids and trying to make Parker cry. He finally let out a huge was music to our ears :)

I remember the nurses handing me Presley and Nick was handed was the BEST moment of my life. It was amazing to look at these tiny people that were ours. We walked out and were greeted by my family along with Grandma and Grandpa Majkrzak. We joke it looked like a herd of elephants trying to stampede through the door! That was another highlight of my life. Showing my family my children when I never knew if I could have them.

Parker is the light of my life. He smiles and it makes my day SO much brighter. I love him so much it hurts. So many people have asked what is is like to have twins....and what it is like to have a special needs twin. Honestly, I think its a privilege to have a special needs child. Obviously God thought we could handle it (sometimes I could question that!) God gave Parker his sister Presley for many reasons too: To talk for him when he couldn't....To stand up for him when he can't....and to be the best role model and sister a boy could ask for.

To my little Parkman,
I love you more than anything in the whole world. You make me SO proud by just being you. Your strength and determination are to be admired by all. You may not be able to talk, but I know what you are saying.....and I hear you loud and clear.

I love you to the moon and back,


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