Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Patient Parker :)

Parker could be the most patient boy ever! Here are some pictures of trips that we have made. We have had countless hours in the car with him and for the most part he watches his movies and giggles. Nick is usually drinking an energy drink to stay awake and I am trying to keep Nick and Parker entertained. I have fed Parker many meals backwards in my seat. We have had MANY spills :) We are very fortunate to have Parker seen by some of the top Doctors in the US. We will continue to try and make his life the best it can be. We are the biggest advocates for Parker and will continue to be until the day we die. If you have an in cling that something is wrong with your child do not take NO for an answer. Doctors are NOT God and they do not know your child like we do as parents. I am sure I have put my foot in my mouth more than once around doctors, but we are only looking out for our number one interest....Parker. I am an honest person....what can i say?!?

1 comment:

  1. You have always been Parker's best advocate. Keep it up! Parents always know their children the best.
