Friday, June 17, 2011

We almost have 4 year old twins!??!??

Where has the time gone???? I cannot believe that in less than a week we will have two 4 year olds in our house....WOW! It seems like just yesterday that we were going for Lisa's stress test at 35 1/2 weeks. They were done with the stress test when they took Lisa's blood pressure and it was sky high again. They told us that Lisa has to be admitted to the hospital to be "checked" to make sure that everything was ok. I will never forget the nurses hooking her up and the Dr coming in to tell us that our two miracle babies would be born that day. It was a moment Nick and I will never forget. I will never forget Nick's face.....the look of panic, excitement all in one! That night was a long one watching Lisa suffer through contractions and epidurals that weren't working. She was SO strong and never lost her cool. I remember thinking that she was the reason we were becoming parents....without Lisa we would never have our little Presley and Parker. We owe her so much, yet she asked for so little. What an amazing woman!!! When the babies were finally born via C-Section I remember thinking to myself "this is NO joke" we are parents, and we better not screw this up! The first millasecond the kids were born I felt so incredibly close to I had carried them too. I love Presley and Parker more than I ever thought I could love a human being. The past 3 years 11 months and 17 days have been the best years of my life. I cannot wait for many, many more to come!!!



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